4520 BLOSSOM STREET HOUSTON TEXAS 77007 713.863.7097
16 November, 2019 - 11 January, 2020
Tony Feher Shana Hoehn Matt Kleberg Harold Mendez
Tony Feher Untitled, 2010 Glass jars with metal screw lids, glass marbles, and stainless steel wire 4 x 6 x 2 1/2 inches
Shana Hoehn Lady-jet Defies Speed and Meets Venus (Sisters), 2018 Plastic and ceramics 48 x 10 x 24 inches
Matt Kleberg Static Acrobatic (Blind Arcade), 2019 Oil stick on canvas in two parts 48 x 24 inches
Harold Mendez Field, 2019 Cotton, graphite, gesso, watercolor, toner, crayon on ball grained aluminum litho plate 75 x 120 inches